Z.A GHAFFAR Securities (Pvt.) Ltd must perform a risk assessment of all the existing and prospective customers on the basis of information obtained regarding their identity, nature of income, source of funding, location etc and based on the results of such assessment, categorize their customers among high risk, medium risk and low risk customers. Z.A GHAFFAR Securities (Pvt.) Ltd should develop clear guidelines for identification of High Risk customers which include:
i. Non-resident customer
illegal persons or arrangements including non-governmental organizations; (NGOs) / not-
for-profit organizations (NPOs) and trusts / charities.
ii. Customers belonging to countries where CDD / KYC and anti-money laundering regulations are lax or if funds originate or go to those countries.
iii. Customers whose business or activities present a higher risk of money laundering such as cash based businesses;
iv. Customers with links to offshore tax havens.
v. there is reason to believe that the customer has been refused brokerage services by another brokerage house;
vi. Non-face-to-face / on-line customers;
vii. Establishing business relationship or transactions with counterparts from or in countries not sufficiently applying FATF recommendations; and
viii. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) or customers holding public or high profile positions.
Z.A GHAFFAR Securities (Pvt.) Ltd should conduct a self assessment for money laundering and terrorist financing risk, identifying and documenting the key risks presented to it by virtue of its business model, types of customers and geographical placement
Customers from or in countries where CDD/ KYC and anti-money laundering Regulations are lax and are not sufficiently applying Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations: and
Customers who have been refused by another financial institution (based on Reasonable information)
While dealing with the high-risk customers including the PEPs, Z.A GHAFFAR Securities (Pvt.) Ltd should:
a) Obtain senior management approval for establishing business relationships with such customers. The same shall also apply in case of an existing customer which is classified as High-risk pursuant to these guidelines or which is subsequently classified as a result of ongoing due diligence;
b) Take reasonable measures to establish the source of wealth and source of funds.
If Z.A GHAFFAR Securities (Pvt.) Ltd is unable to comply with the above requirements, it should not open the account, or should terminate the business relationship, as the case may be
For Low Risk Customers, Z.A GHAFFAR Securities (Pvt.) Ltd may apply simplified or reduced CDD/ KYC measures. A client may be considered under Low Risk category, if the identity of the customer(s) and the beneficial owner of a customer are publicly known or where adequate checks and controls exist.
Following cases may be considered as Low Risk Customers for application of simplified or reduced CDD/ KYC;
Financial institutions provided they are subject to requirements to combat money Laundering and terrorist financing and are supervised for compliance with those Requirements; and
Public listed companies that are subject to regulatory disclosure requirements, Government administrations/entities.